The late Msgr. Thomas McGread of the Diocese of Wichita developed a blueprint for living a life of discipleship through stewardship. It's a simple plan all Catholics can follow, thereby transforming their own lives and the lives of their parishes. Msgr. McGread’s work in fostering a true understanding of biblical stewardship continues to have a tremendous impact on the Catholic Church today. In this book, Deacon Donald R. McArdle, one of the co-founders of Catholic Stewardship Consultants, tells Msgr. McGread’s story, and he highlights the stories of parishes that have been transformed by following Msgr. McGread’s model of stewardship as a way of life.
As Christian disciples, each one of us is called to live as faithful stewards of God’s gifts. In fact, as the Book of Genesis tells us in the very first book of the Bible, the Lord calls us to be good stewards: “The Lord God then took man and settled him in the garden to cultivate and care for it” (Gen. 2:15).
But the stewardship message in Genesis is just the beginning. In fact, there are 45 passages throughout the scriptures that address Stewardship, calling us to recognize all that we have are gifts from God, and that it is our responsibility to cultivate and share these gifts with the world.
Without a doubt, living our lives as God intended is centered on living as good stewards. But in today’s secular world, how do we answer this calling?
The late Msgr. Thomas McGread — a priest in the Diocese of Wichita, Kansas — developed a blueprint for living a life of discipleship through stewardship. It is a simple plan that all Catholics can follow, thereby transforming their own lives and the lives of their parishes. Msgr. McGread’s work in developing a true understanding of Biblical Stewardship continues to have a tremendous impact on the Catholic Church today.
In this book, Deacon Donald R. McArdle tells Msgr. McGread’s story, and he highlights the stories of parishes that have been transformed by following Msgr. McGread’s model of stewardship as a way of life.
163 pages
Deacon Donald R. McArdle, the CEO of Catholic Stewardship Consultants, tells the story of stewardship pioneer Msgr. Thomas McGread and his vision for living discipleship through stewardship in his book, Grateful and Giving: How Msgr. Thomas McGread’s Stewardship Message Has Impacted Catholic Parishes Throughout the Country.
Grateful and Giving traces the roots of Stewardship in America as it is practiced in many modern-day Catholic parishes, to its early beginnings by Msgr. McGread, a pastor in the Diocese of Wichita, Kansas. It also describes the development and the fruits of Stewardship at St. Francis of Assisi Parish, where Msgr. McGread served as pastor for 31 years, The book also tells the compelling stories of four parishes outside of the Diocese of Wichita that developed Stewardship as their way of life by using similar principles, concepts and processes.
In addition to the many personal stories within, Grateful and Giving offers practical suggestions and tips (including an appendix titled “Practical Tools and Processes”) for pastors and lay leaders trying to develop Stewardship as a way of life in their parishes. The book includes a Foreword by Bishop Emeritus Eugene J. Gerber of the Diocese of Wichita. Under Bishop Gerber's leadership, the Diocese of Wichita became a total stewardship diocese.
Much of our current day understanding and practice of living a “stewardship way of life” was developed by renowned stewardship pioneer Msgr. Thomas McGread. In light of that, I decided to write Grateful and Giving to tell his incredible story. In the book, you will read the story of Msgr. McGread and how he developed the stewardship way of life in the parishes he pastored, most notably St. Francis of Assisi in Wichita, Kansas. You will also read the stories of individuals and parishes throughout the country that have been profoundly impacted by living the Stewardship way of life.
Deacon Donald R. McArdle
CEO, Catholic Stewardship Consultants
Deacon Donald R. McArdle, CPA, has been a deacon in the Diocese of Savannah for over 40 years. In addition, he is currently the CEO and one of the co-founders of Catholic Stewardship Consultants, Inc. Following in the footsteps of his mentor and friend, Msgr. Thomas McGread, Deacon Don has worked closely with Catholic parishes and dioceses across the country on all areas of developing Stewardship as a way of life for over 21 years. Deacon Don has been married to his wife, Pat, for 49 years, and they have nine children, several of whom work with him in serving Catholic parishes and dioceses.